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Ace writing

Instructions: Vanilla Ice Cream
WALT: write detailed instructions of how to make vanilla ice cream.
You are going to create step by step instructions on how to make vanilla ice cream. You will need to add as much detail as you can so that someone can use your recipe to make their very own ice cream. Use the class brainstorm from the jam board if you need extra help.

Ice salt cream sugar vanilla
tablespoon cup taslespoon plastic bags
Get your ingredients and your equipment 2 open the plastic bag 3.put ice and sugar in the plastic and then you get the other bag 4. And then you put the cream in it 5 and then you put the little bag in the big bag 6. And the sake the bags for 10mi 7. And the you end the ice cream

Ace reading

Ice Cream: Response to text
Bold the correct answer (highlight then ctrl + b)

What are the main ingredients used to make ice cream?
a) Water, sugar, and flavorings
b) Milk, cream, sugar, and flavorings
c) Eggs, flour, and sugar
d) Yogurt, honey, and fruit

What is the process called that breaks down fat molecules in cream to create a smooth texture in ice cream?
a) Pasteurization
b) Homogenization
c) Freezing
d) Packaging

What is the most popular flavor of ice cream in the United States?
a) Strawberry
b) Chocolate
c) Vanilla
d) Mint chocolate chip

What is National Ice Cream Day in the United States?
a) The first Sunday of July
b) The second Sunday of July
c) The third Sunday of July
d) The last Sunday of July

How many licks does it take, on average, to finish a single scoop of ice cream?
a) 10 licks
b) 25 licks
c) 50 licks
d) 100 licks

What is the record for the most ice cream scoops balanced on a single cone?
a) 10 scoops
b) 50 scoops
c) 100 scoops
d) 121 scoops

Which of the following is an unusual ice cream flavor?
a) Vanilla
b) Chocolate
c) Bacon
d) Strawberry

What can ice cream be a good source of if made with real milk?
a) Calcium and vitamins
b) Fiber and protein
c) Fat and sugar
d) Sodium and cholesterol

What happens when we eat something cold too quickly and get a temporary headache?
a) Brain freeze
b) Ice cream headache
c) Cold rush
d) Frozen frenzy

Which historical figure was said to be a big fan of ice cream?
a) George Washington
b) Abraham Lincoln
c) Thomas Jefferson
d) Benjamin Franklin