Category: Hanga | Create

term three Immersion Assembly

task description this week we had our  Immersion Assembly we had our Immersion Assembly because we wore learning about our new topic for this term our new top is call karawhiua which mean give it heaps the Reason we have this topic is because this term we have cross country and so we can stay fit .  I hope you all enjoy how my task turned out. Remember to leave a positive comment on my blog, thank you. 



Recount: Immersion Assembly

WALT: structure a recount using detailed and descriptive language.
When people read this recount they should feel interested and excited. This week we have been finding out all our new topic for the term and you are going to create a recount about our immersion assembly we had on Monday. Complete the planning section below before you start writing your recount. 


Introduction Yesterday morning  we had an immersion assembly in room 7 and sat with the other class on the big mat to watch the immersion assembly on the big screen
Senior Management Team Noting 
Team One Team one  did a story about the Olympics first they started when miss hockly doing a news job 
Team Two Team two did cross country there was a girl that want to win cross country so she tran and she win  
Team Three Team three did song  about being  healthy  
Team Four Team four did a luan they wore looking at the thing that are in the things that they are eating 
Team Five


Start your writing here 



Yesterday morning  we had an immersion assembly in room 7 and sat with the other class on the big mat to watch the immersion assembly on the big screen. We watched the big screen because we were learning about our  inquiry topic for the term our inquiry topic is karawhiua which means give it heaps .


Team one,  did a story about the Olympics first they started with miss hockly doing a news job about one of the famous people do the track her name was miss shirley  when she went for a ran around the track and she was out of breath and her coach saw the she was out of shape and she asks miss shirley if she had be going for runs and ben eating healthy food miss shirley had not be eating healthy and her coach was telling her that she had to eat healthy and go for runs so she can win the gold melt so  miss shirley listen to her coach and she went for ran and ant healthy food and she  win the gold melt.


Team two did cross country. There was a girl whose name was miss carter. She wanted   to win cross country but she thinks that she can’t win because her friend Miss Davis   wins cross country every year but then she knows that she can win this year because if she   practises she can win . so  practise all day and miss carter. sew her friend Miss Davis and then  Miss Davis asks what she’s doing she said, am “Practice for the cross country. Do you want to practise with me and her friend said no .

And then the day of cross country  came    Miss Davis  was in first but then she got to confited and then she got a stitch and her and the friend miss carter that practise

 came first.




Team three, did a song  about being  healthy. They started  with someone eating m&m and then they stopped the person from m&m and they gave him some fruits and then they started to sing  the song . They were eating fruits and then they ran  around and did push ups and then they ended it with the Teachers singing and a student dropping a mic .


Team four ,Team four did a launch they wore looking at the thing that are on the package the five kids wore on and Adventuret on to what they had for launch one of them had popcorn and another one of them had yogi and another one of them had cheese and another one of them had  crackers and another one of them had and Veggie sticks and another one of them had and apple they wore having a competition to see who had the healthiest launch an the person that won was  All of them for bring a healthy launch .


Team five, mr wiseman wanted to learn how to juggle he think he can juggle because the year seven and eight that he is a Sigma Rizzler and then mr wiseman ask the other Teacher if he can do it two of the teacher said that he can do but the two other teacher said that he could not do it on the first day mr wiseman started juggle with three balls and when he started he was Terrible on the second day  mr wiseman watch youtube the whole day learning how to juggle on the third day  mr wiseman Learn how to juggle if you are just learning you should practise with one ball and then on the Four day  mr wiseman was do two ball he stated practise Until you got it right On the 5th he he practised with three balls and he’s practised until he could get made it perfect   on the 6th he practised to  see how many he could get .   


what’s on our food

Task description today when we were in room 10 Mrs Tumahi made us a peanut butter and banana burrito. but before when ate the burrito we had to fill out a slide of what kind of nutrients are in noodles. when we finished we got to get a burito and we had to take a photo of us eating it to put on our blog.

holiday blogging #9

Task Description This morning for Holiday blogging 9 we were going to be learning about the island of  Minecraft , this topic was chosen by pita . For this task we had to just do the same things just like I did on my 1st,2nd and 3rd holiday blogging. I hope you all enjoy how my task turned out. Remember to leave a positive comment on my blog, thank you. 

holiday blogging #8

Task Description This morning for Holiday blogging 8 we were going to be learning about the island of samoa , this topic was chosen by kree . For this task we had to just do the same things just like I did on my 1st,2nd and 3rd holiday blogging. I hope you all enjoy how my task turned out. Remember to leave a positive comment on my blog, thank you. 

holiday blogging #7

Task Description: Today I have been doing my holiday blogging and doing work this holiday blogging topic was about sanrio ,sanrio is a tap of gif shop were people go and get gif for there kids and family members for this task i just had to do what i did on my 1st 2nd and 3rd  . This task was a lot harder but I managed to finish it. I’m sorry to those people if I got the word wrong (Sanrio)

Aces holiday blogging

Task Description: This morning for Holiday blogging five we were going to be learning about the warriors, this topic was chosen by ofili. For this task we had to just do the same things just like I did on my 1st,2nd and 3rd holiday blogging. I hope you all enjoy how my task turned out. Remember to leave a positive comment on my blog, thank you. 


Aces holiday blogging

Task Description: This morning for Holiday blogging five we were going to be learning about ice cream, this topic was chosen by me Catherine. For this task we had to just do the same things just like I did on my 1st,2nd and 3rd holiday blogging. I hope you all enjoy how my task turned out. Remember to leave a positive comment on my blog, thank you. 

Aces holiday blogging

task description his morning for Holiday blogging four we were going to be learning about music, this topic was chosen by Khyana  from room six. For this task we had to just do the same things just like I did on my 1st,2nd and 3rd holiday blogging. I hope you all enjoy how my task turned out. Remember to leave a positive comment on my blog, thank you. 

Aces holiday blogging

Task Description: This morning for Holiday blogging three we were going to be learning about cricket, this topic was chosen by Alepina from my class by the way. For this task we had to just do the same things just like I did on my 1st and 2nd holiday blogging. I hope you all enjoy how my task turned out. Remember to leave a positive comment on my blog, thank you.