Tag: Writing

Aces Immersion Assembly

Task description this week we had a an Immersion Assembly for the start of the term. please leave a postive comment on my blog.



Recount: Immersion Assembly

WALT: structure a recount using detailed and descriptive language.
When people read this recount they should feel interested and excited. This week we have been finding out all our new topic for the term and you are going to create a recount about our immersion assembly we had on Monday. Complete the planning section below before you start writing your recount. 


Introduction This year pt england theme is  transformers we a learning how to act 
Senior Management Team The senior management team act on stage to set the scene
Team One Team one did a tv show to guess the emotion with music
Team Two Team two did and act there act was about the kiwi 
Team Three Team three did and act about matilda 
Team Four Team four did and act about body language
Team Five Team five did an act it was about cinderella
Conclusion I like team three act it made me happy 


Start your writing here 

→ this morning we had and a  Immersion Assembly today this assembly this is the first day of term two this Immersion Assembly is to see what we are learning for the term first team one   did and little movie they did and a tv show there tv show was about emotion there was four  emotion happy,sad,aryer,shy you have to chose one of the musics there are four you have to chose of it happy or sad you have to chose one

 . Team two did little movie it was on a story on the kiwi there was four birds the birds wear pukeko,wicca,kea,kiwi the tree are dying and one of the birds have to stay on the ground, all the other birds said no but kiwi.


Team three did a scene from matilda the scene that they did was when the kid has to eat the cake they started to sing and when the person started to eat the cake .team four did and act they got a paper and they had to do and body asksean you had to gust what emotion they are doing with their body parts. 


Team 5 did and act from a movie call cinderella but a little different cinderella was in the house and then her godmother came and then turn her into a princess and then she went to the ball and then when she ran she left her shoe and the her step sister switched the shoe and then the princes went to there house and then when he put the  shoe on the step sister he look a her and then he said to cut her head of and when cinderella saw her step cinderella did not like the princes so she went with a normal man.   




Ace writing

task description this week we are learning how to create a different version of the story “The Three Little Pigs.please leave a postive comment on my blog.

The Three Little Pigs according to me


Instructions: Check out the following resources to give you a solid understanding of the different versions of the story The Three Little Pigs. 




Plan: use this space to plan your narrative. Answer all the questions. 

Orientation: Where is the story set? When and where is this taking place? In a forest 

200 year ago

Characters: Who are the main characters in your story? What are their names? Give a brief description.  Three little pigs
Problem: What is the overall problem in the story?  The three little pig are scared of the big bad wolf
Beginning: What will happen at the beginning of your story? The pig lave there mummy pig house and there mum said to watch out for the big bad wolf  
Middle: What will happen in the middle of your story? The three pig 
Resolution (end): How will your story end and the problem be solved?


Writing: start your writing here


Once upon a time there were three little pigs. One pig built a house of straw while the second pig built his house with sticks. They built their houses very quickly and then sang and danced all day because they were lazy. The third little pig worked hard all day and built his house with bricks. A big bad wolf saw the two little pigs while they danced and played and thought, “What juicy tender meals they will make!” He chased the two pigs and they ran and hid in their houses. The big bad wolf went to the first house and huffed and puffed and blew the house down in minutes. The frightened little pig ran to the second pig’s house that was made of sticks. The big bad wolf now came to this house and huffed and puffed and blew the house down in hardly any time. Now, the two little pigs were terrified and ran to the third pig’s house that was made of bricks. The big bad wolf tried to huff and puff and blow the house down, but he could not. He kept trying for hours but the house was very strong and the little pigs were safe inside. He tried to enter through the chimney but the third little pig boiled a big pot of water and kept it below the chimney. The wolf fell into it and died. The two little pigs now felt sorry for having been so lazy. They too built their houses with bricks and lived happily ever after.

Ace writing

task description this week we are learning how to create a different version of the story Jack and the beanstalk. please leave a postive comment on my blog.

Jack and the Beanstalk according to me


Instructions: Check out the following resources to give you a solid understanding of the different versions of the story Jack and the Beanstalk. 


Plan: use this space to plan your narrative. Answer all the questions. 

Orientation: Where is the story set? When and where is this taking place? In the forest
Characters: Who are the main characters in your story? What are their names? Give a brief description.  A boy named ace
Problem: What is the overall problem in the story?  There house need to get fixt 
Beginning: What will happen at the beginning of your story? Jack, a poor country boy trades the family cow 
Middle: What will happen in the middle of your story?
Resolution (end): How will your story end and the problem be solved?


Writing: start your writing here


Once upon a time….. Jack, a poor country boy trades the family cow for a handful of magic beans, which grow into a massive, towering beanstalk reaching up into the clouds. Jack climbs the beanstalk and finds himself in the castle of an unfriendly giant. Jack went inside the house and found the giant’s wife in the kitchen Jack said Could you please give me something to eat? I am so hungry The kind wife gave him bread and some milk While he was eating, the giant came home. The giant senses Jack’s presence and cries The giant was very big and looked very fearsome Jack was terrified and went and hid inside. The giant criedFee-fi-fo-fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman. Be he alive, or be he dead, I’ll grind his bones to make my bread  The wife said There is no boy here  So the giant ate his food and then went to his room. He took out his sacks of gold coins counted them and kept them aside. Then he went to sleep In the night Jack crept out of his hiding place took one sack of gold coins and climbed down the beanstalk  At home he gave the coins to his mother His mother was very happy and they lived well for some time


Jack climbed the beanstalk and went to the giant’s house again. Once again Jack asked the giant’s wife for food but while he was eating the giant returned Jack leapt up in fright and went and hid under the bed The giant cried Fee-fi-fo-fum I smell the blood of an Englishman. Be he alive or be he dead  I’ll grind his bones to make my bread  The wife said, “There is no boy in here  The giant ate his food and went to his room. There  he took out a hen. He shouted, Lay  and the hen laid a golden egg  When the giant fell asleep  Jack took the hen and climbed down the beanstalk  Jack’s mother was very happy with him  And

Ace writing

this week we are learning how to Write a narrative that is descriptive (paints a picture in the reader’s mind)  please leave a postive comment on my blog.


Can He Save Her?

Narrative Writing


WALT: write a narrative that is descriptive (paints a picture in the reader’s mind)


This week we are creating a piece of narrative writing about a comic book hero! 

You are to use the picture on the left as your story starter or even your story finisher. Not sure what this means? Well, the picture could depict what is happening in the beginning of your story. You would describe the events from the picture then tell your audience what happens next. Or if you’re using the picture as your story ending, what are the events that led to this action packed scene?

You will need to write a minimum of 4 paragraphs. I would like some of you to extend yourselves and write at least 6-8 paragraphs. 


Fill in the below table to help you plan.

Planning: Your Thoughts and Answers:
Are you using the picture as the beginning or ending of your story? The ending
Hero: Spiderman
Villain: Green Goblin
Other Characters (if any): Miles Morales and Sand
Problem: The Green Goblin along with Sandman are robbing the bank.
Solution: The Spiderman and Miles come out and defeat the villains. 
If beginning, what could happen next? The Green Goblin has a trick up his sleeve to destroy the heroes
In the end, what happened before this scene? The Sandman captured Spiderman but Mile swang down and rescued him.


Start Writing Here:

→`In New York it was peaceful and no harm when someone threw a girl off a building. That’s when Spiderman was here he dived in to reach the girl.Green goblin appeared out of nowhere then threw pumpkin bombs at Spiderman. Spiderman and green goblin were in a construction site with sand. Suddenly, Sandman came out spiderman tried to web him but he was too strong. Spiderman was hopeless, two vs one was not fair. That’s when Miles appeared Spiderman and Miles took down the villains and cleaned the city Dr Octopus came. Miles and Spiderman beated Dr Octopus; they beat him easily with Spiderman’s iron spider suit. Then the heroes lived happily ever after.

Ace writing

task description this week we are learning how to Retell the story of “The Stolen Stars of Matariki” in my own words, adding as much detail as I can. please leave a postiv comment on my blog.

Retell: The Stolen Stars of Matariki

WALT: Retell the story of “The Stolen Stars of Matariki” in my own words, adding as much detail as I can.


Beginning – how does it start?

Middle – what is happening?

End – how does it end?

Make sure you use descriptive language to make the story more interesting. Pull the readers in to read YOUR writing, make it fun!

Start your writing here:

→on one afternoon there was two little kids and there nana they went to the beach but on the beach that they are going to has no sand it is stonds and the sea, the two kids and there nana go there to look at the stars of matariki but on that day they went to look at matariki they saw that there was two stars missing.
When there nana saw the two stars missing she know were they went the people of the patu paya that live up in the hills the two kids and there nana went up the hill and they found the patu paya dancing around the stars the nana and the two kids did not know what to do but then the two kids had and idea the two little kids wore going to join them but they wore going to trek them so the can talk tell the morning because the patu paya are not good in the sun and they will have to go back to the caves in the hill so the two kids went up to the patu paya and ask if they could join them and the patu paya was think but they thought that two little kids could do nothing to stop there plan so they talk about their plan but the did not notice the the sun was coming up and then when the sun was up the patu paya ran back to there cave in the hill and the patu paya left the two stars matariki stars and the two kids and there nana let the two stars of matariki go the end .

Ace writing

Task description this week for writing we are learning about pohutukawa i have writen a story about pohutukawa. please leave a postive comment on my blog.


Retell: Pohutukawa

Retell the Myth and Legend about Pohutukawa.



Beginning – how does it start?
Middle – what is happening?
End – how does it end?


Make sure you use descriptive language to make the story more interesting. Pull the readers in to read YOUR writing, make it fun!


Start your writing here:


once upon a time a maori myth and legend  about pohutukawa one of the matariki stars now let get started everyone once upon a time in a village 

People keep dying but the people that had pass did not know where to go after they pass so the people that had pass had just stay in there village but when pohutukawa saw the people that had pass in there village then she  got and sad and came down from the sky and and went to a cliff and started sing but when she started to sing she header her something or someone sing in the other direction but when pohutukawa  got to the place there was nothing but a tree so  pohutukawa started to sing again and then she header the tree sing and then pohutukawa got an idea pohutukawa put her hand on the tree and the tree started to sing and all the people that had pass in the village came to the tree and went into it and the tree went to the underworld but when they went to the underworld it was not bad when they went there they wore at pace and then when all the people that had pass had gone into that tree pohutukawa went back up to her brothers and sister and tode her brothers and sister the story of the people that had pass the end  positve 


Ace writing

task description this week we are learning about how to think carefully about the descriptive and precise vocabulary that we use for our writing what i have written is about a maorl myth and legend the story about myth Pohutukawa in the time i route my story of Pohutukawa i learned a lot about this stars from the matariki cluster of stars. please check out my blog and please leave a positve comment on my blog.

Retell: Pohutukawa
Retell the Myth and Legend about Pohutukawa.


Beginning – how does it start?

Middle – what is happening?

End – how does it end?

Make sure you use descriptive language to make the story more interesting. Pull the readers in to read YOUR writing, make it fun!

Start your writing here:

→once upon a time a maori myth and legend about pohutukawa one of the matariki stars now let get started everyone once upon a time in a village
People keep dying but the people that had pass did not know where to go after they pass so the people that had pass had just stay in there village but when pohutukawa saw the people that had pass in there village then she got and sad and came down from the sky and and went to a cliff and started sing but when she started to sing she header her something or someone sing in the other direction but when pohutukawa got to the place there was nothing but a tree so pohutukawa started to sing again and then she header the tree sing and then pohutukawa got an idea pohutukawa put her hand on the tree and the tree started to sing and all the people that had pass in the village came to the tree and went into it and the tree went to the underworld but when they went to the underworld it was not bad when they went there they wore at pace and then when all the people that had pass had gone into that tree pohutukawa went back up to her brothers and sister and tode her brothers and sister the story of the people that had pass the end