Team 4 Karawhiua

Task Description:

this term the whole of pt england school focusing on getting fit our trem topic is Karawhiua which means  Give it heaps in maori the whole of team four is working on making a gifted in a app called photopea we had to choose a sport  that was i  the olympics i choose  Archery , i choose Archery because Archery is one of the best and the essays sports to draw in the olympics   

First you have to walk to where you were  going to shot the arrow second you pull your arm back and then you let go if it  and then you just let the arrow fly and then it hits the bell eye . Thank you don’t forget to leave a positive comment on my blog.

sleep is your superpower

task description: This was  a  task that i have not finished but i have finished it now so here is what i have done sometimes when i go to sleep  i wonder how i fall asleep and it randomly turns into the morning and i always annoy my parents because i want to know how that happens.


Recount: cross country

WALT: structure a recount using detailed and descriptive language.
When people read this recount they should feel interested and excited. This week we are going to create a recount about Cross County on Friday. If you didn’t come to school you can recount your cross country Day. Complete the planning section below before you start writing your recount.

Pt England school students Last Week on Friday , August 30th the whole school had a cross country at 1:00 am on the pt england school field and the pt england reserve.

Paragraph One:
Getting to Te Kapua and listening to the instructions.
When it was 1 o’clock we had to walk to te kapua for cross country and then we got into year lines we had to listen to mr jay he was sending
Paragraph Two:
Waiting for your race to start watching other races.
As we were sitting down, we were watching the other races while waiting for our race to start. The sidelines were filled with students from other classes cheering for the runners.
Paragraph Three:
Moving to the starting line and getting ready for the race to start.
It was time and we were called to our positions to get ready for the race. We got in our rows and positioned ourselves and got ready to run at Mrs Nua’s signal, which was the wooden clapper.
Paragraph Four:
Running the race.
How did you feel?
When she clapped the wooden clapper we all started to run as fast as we could and we until we got to the gate that leads to the reserve
Paragraph Five:
Finishing the race.

Finishing the race i said in my head” man this race was so much work i readily need a water “

Start your writing here

Last week, August 30th the whole of Pt England School had a cross country event at 1:00 pm.We had to run to the rugby post then to the reserve and we ran next to Pt England beach. It was a sunny afternoon and lots of families came to watch and support us.

Up first were the year 4 boys, out of all of the year 4 boys the first boy to come back was tevita. Next were the year four girls, out of all of the year 4 girls, Aroha came first. As we were sitting down, we were watching the other races while waiting for our race to start. The sidelines were filled with students from other classes cheering for the runners. My friends and I were so excited to go for our run and it was finally our turn to go for our run.

It was time and we were called to our positions to get ready for the race. We got in our rows and positioned ourselves, and got ready to run at Mrs Nua’s signal, which was the wooden clapper 3 , 2 , 1 go the clapper went off and we all started to run as fast as we could until we got to the gate that leads to the reserve. We had to run to the teacher. They would point to where we had to go. When I got out of the school gates I started to jog but fast the whole time I was to stay in the place that I was in so when I was almost half I would run off.

When I was almost halfway through the race I started to run faster. I started to pass a lot of people as I was trying to get to the finish line. so I could be done with the race. I was really tired and I needed water but that did not stop me from doing my best in the race. When I saw the teacher that was at the halfway mark I started to run but not as fast as I could so I could save some energy for the last part of the race so I could do my fast at the end of the race.

I was at the other end of the reserve. I started to jog again but a little bit faster than the other people, I started to pass my friend. My friend Winter saw me and started to run and then I started to run. We didn’t even notice that we both passed three people. My friend was almost at the geta. We both went inside the geta at the same time and we both ran past the parks at our school. We both went for the finish line, but my friend Winter went ahead of me and he came fifth to last and I came forth to last. It was fun for me and my friends.

When I finished the race I said in my head “Man this race was so much work I really need some water.” When I got my water I sat next to my friend William and he talked about how it was so hard to do that race and then we went to class and got our bags and we waited for that bell to ring. When the bell rang we all said goodbye to our teacher and we went home .