Month: March 2023

Ace writing

Thank You Letter


Writing a Thank You Letter is a great way to show your appreciation, and 

gratitude towards the people who have helped us on our camp!

In the space below you will write a Thank You Letter to somebody who has helped us out on our camp! There are a lot of people who you might be able to choose from:


  • The support workers
  • The student volunteers
  • The parents 
  • The teacher who took your group
  • The teachers who organised the different activities 
  • Your group leaders


Your Thank You Letter needs to have a few things:


  • A greeting to the person you are writing the letter to! (Dear…, Hi!…, Hello…etc.)
  • What you are thankful for! (Thank you for…)
  • Two or Three reasons you are thankful (I am thankful/grateful for this because…)
  • A farewell, or goodbye!




Who is the letter for? What did they do at camp? #1 what you are thankful for #2 what you are thankful for
Miss Stephenson Helped me clean my


Helped me clean my 


Helping me put my sleeping bug in it bug


Start writing here:



                                                                                                          130 pt england road


Miss Mtephenson, 

130 pt england road


Date march 13 2023


Dear Miss Stephenson

Thank you for helping me clean my tent and for cooking the food for as 

Thank you for helping me put my sleeping bug in my sleeping bug 

Thank you for helping me put my luggage a way 


Yours sincerely, 
